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Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Maths (Teachers)

This project is designed to support primary teachers in developing specialist knowledge for teaching mathematics, enabling them to understand, teach and support pupils in maths in the classroom.  It will be particularly relevant for teachers that have moved phases or teachers that have not received maths-specific training.  

Teachers will enhance their mathematics subject knowledge with an emphasis on the key structures in each mathematical area covered which include: 

  • Understanding the key elements that form number sense, including precise language, structures and representations  

  • Understanding the forms of addition and subtraction, including precise language, structures and representations  

  • Understanding the forms of multiplication and division, including precise language, structures and representations  

  • Understanding the forms of fractions, including precise language, structures and representations. 

Feedback from participants: 

“This session helped me to really grasp and fully understand the words aggregation and augmentation as I had never really understood their meaning before!” 

“I now have a better understanding of what additive thinking is and how it can be developed. Seeing the structures was helpful, as I can now ensure the children have a clearer understanding of the different structures and can ensure they use them in their own work.” 

*If you are an NQT or early career teacher, you may be interested in our specialist knowledge for teacher maths sessions that are designed specifically for early career teachers. 

These networks are free to all teachers and schools involved.

We have a limit of two participants per school to ensure we can support as many schools as possible. If you would like to sign up more, please email to let us know, and we will see if we are able to accommodate your request.

Dates and Venue:

This programme is to consist of 2 groups being held in Southampton and Portsmouth.


The programme will consist of 4 face-to-face sessions to be held on the following dates:

  • Wednesday 22nd January (9.30am to 3pm)
  • Wednesday 5th March (1pm to 4pm)
  • Wednesday 30th April (9.30am to 3pm)
  • Wednesday 11th June (1pm to 4pm)

The sessions will take place at the HISP Learning Partnership Hub, Tanners Brook Primary School, Elmes Drive, Millbrook, Southampton, SO15 4PF.

Bookings for this programme are now closed for this academic year. If you are interested in taking part in this programme in 2025/26, please email


The programme will consist of 4 face-to-face sessions to be held on the following dates:

  • Wednesday 22nd January (9.30am to 3pm) - Training and Learning Centre at The Portsmouth Academy
  • Friday 21st March (1pm to 4pm) - Training and Learning Centre at The Portsmouth Academy
  • Thursday 24th April (9.30am to 3pm) - Highbury Primary School
  • Wednesday 4th June (1pm to 4pm) - The Training and Learning Centre at The Portsmouth Academy

Bookings for this programme are now closed for this academic year. If you are interested in taking part in this programme in 2025/26, please email