Course List
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Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Maths (Early Years - Southampton)
Early Years
- • 04 March 2025
- • 14 places remaining
04 March 2025 - 04 March 202509:00 - 16:00Tanners Brook Primary School, Elmes Drive, Millbrook, Southampton, SO15 4PF£0.00This project is designed to support Early Years teachers in developing specialist knowledge for teaching mathematics, enabling them to understand, teach and support pupils in maths in the classroom. This Work Group will focus on number patterns and structures in early years, exploring the developmental trajectory for learning in counting and cardinality. A key focus will be on improving the participants’ ability to “do” mathematics but also to ensure they have the appropriate pedagogical knowledge to teach their children well.
Pupils will:
- Have increased opportunities to explore concepts at a developmentally appropriate level
- Be able to communicate their maths and mathematical thinking through graphical representations and/or appropriate language
- Demonstrate a positive attitude towards maths, being willing to have a go, persevere, and share their mathematical ideas
These networks are free to all teachers and schools involved.
SEND in Mainstream Schools
General Training
- • 04 March 2025
- • 33 places remaining
04 March 2025 - 04 March 202509:30 - 14:30Tanners Brook Primary School, Elmes Drive, Millbrook, Southampton, SO15 4PF£0.00Removing Barriers in Mathematics for Learners with SEND
This Work Group aims to increase awareness of the needs of pupils with SEND, to include those with unidentified needs, through to those with EHCPs. It is packed with lots of practical strategies for supporting engagement and enabling greater success in mathematics.
Participants will have the opportunity to collaborate and share ideas and challenges throughout. Ideas will be trialed back in school with particular learners in mind, leading to an evidence trail of how teaching has impacted on pupil progress.
This Work Group is aimed at primary and secondary teachers, SENCOs and SLT from mainstream schools.
Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Maths (Primary Teachers - Southampton)
- • 05 March 2025
- • 35 places remaining
05 March 2025 - 05 March 202513:00 - 16:00Tanners Brook Primary School, Elmes Drive, Millbrook, Southampton, SO15 4PF£0.00This project is designed to support primary teachers in developing specialist knowledge for teaching mathematics, enabling them to understand, teach and support pupils in maths in the classroom. It will be particularly relevant for teachers that have moved phases or teachers that have not received maths-specific training.
Teachers will enhance their mathematics subject knowledge with an emphasis on the key structures in each mathematical area covered which include:
Understanding the key elements that form number sense, including precise language, structures and representations
Understanding the forms of addition and subtraction, including precise language, structures and representations
Understanding the forms of multiplication and division, including precise language, structures and representations
Understanding the forms of fractions, including precise language, structures and representations.
A Level Pedagogy
Post 16
- • 06 March 2025
- • 20 places remaining
06 March 2025 - 06 March 202510:00 - 15:30Online£0.00This network aims to bring together A-Level teachers from across our region to discuss all aspects of A-Level mathematics! This includes effective teaching approaches, current assessment requirements and the use technology. However, the group will also respond to the needs and feedback of the network to become a bespoke local network of A-Level colleague.
These networks are free to all teachers and schools involved.
Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Maths (Core Maths)
Post 16
- • 06 March 2025
- • 25 places remaining
06 March 2025 - 06 March 202513:30 - 16:30Online£0.00Core Maths is a relatively new qualification and uptake is growing, so more Core Maths teaching capacity is needed. This programme seeks to address this need by helping teachers to develop the specialist knowledge to teach Core Maths effectively. The programme forms part of the overall AMSP and Maths Hubs Core Maths professional development offer.
By increasing Core Maths teaching capacity, the programme supports the national aim that it will become the norm for all students to study maths post-16.
Participants will be guided through six separate sessions with the following themes (which are common to all Core Maths specifications): Applying Fermi estimation and modelling; Exploring statistics; Making sense of finance; Using the pre-release materials; Developing critical analysis, and Creating contextualised activities.
Participants will take part in activities for each of these themes and review the pedagogical thinking behind the resources used. They will then identify an activity to use in their own classroom, and share and reflect on their experience with the group.
The programme gives inexperienced Core Maths teachers the opportunity to work collaboratively with their peers, guided by an expert Cohort Lead, to develop the specialist knowledge they need to teach Core Maths effectively.
Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Maths (Early Years - Portsmouth)
Early Years
- • 14 March 2025
- • 15 places remaining
14 March 2025 - 14 March 202509:00 - 16:00Highbury Primary School, Dovercourt Road, Cosham, Portsmouth, PO6 2RZ£0.00This project is designed to support Early Years teachers in developing specialist knowledge for teaching mathematics, enabling them to understand, teach and support pupils in maths in the classroom. This Work Group will focus on number patterns and structures in early years, exploring the developmental trajectory for learning in counting and cardinality. A key focus will be on improving the participants’ ability to “do” mathematics but also to ensure they have the appropriate pedagogical knowledge to teach their children well.
Pupils will:
- Have increased opportunities to explore concepts at a developmentally appropriate level
- Be able to communicate their maths and mathematical thinking through graphical representations and/or appropriate language
- Demonstrate a positive attitude towards maths, being willing to have a go, persevere, and share their mathematical ideas
These networks are free to all teachers and schools involved.
We have a limit of two participants per school to ensure we can support as many schools as possible. If you would like to sign up more, please email to let us know, and we will see if we are able to accommodate your request.
Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Maths (Primary Teachers - Portsmouth)
- • 21 March 2025
- • 35 places remaining
21 March 2025 - 21 March 202513:00 - 16:00The Training and Learning Centre, The Portsmouth Academy, St Mary's Road, Portsmouth, PO1 5PF£0.00This project is designed to support primary teachers in developing specialist knowledge for teaching mathematics, enabling them to understand, teach and support pupils in maths in the classroom. It will be particularly relevant for teachers that have moved phases or teachers that have not received maths-specific training.
Teachers will enhance their mathematics subject knowledge with an emphasis on the key structures in each mathematical area covered which include:
Understanding the key elements that form number sense, including precise language, structures and representations
Understanding the forms of addition and subtraction, including precise language, structures and representations
Understanding the forms of multiplication and division, including precise language, structures and representations
Understanding the forms of fractions, including precise language, structures and representations.
Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Maths (Teaching Assistants - Portsmouth)
- • 27 March 2025
- • 35 places remaining
27 March 2025 - 27 March 202509:30 - 15:00Milton Park Primary School, Eastney Road, Portsmouth, PO4 8ET£0.00The purpose of this project is to support primary teaching assistants (TAs) in developing specialist knowledge for teaching mathematics, enabling them to understand, teach and support pupils in the maths classroom. These programmes are designed for primary teaching assistants who are supporting maths, and who would like to develop their specialist knowledge for teaching maths. This may be particularly relevant for new TAs or TAs that have not received maths-specific training.
This year the focus will be on the following mathematical areas:
What is effective in the learning and teaching of mathematics?
Number sense (part 1)
Number sense (part 2)
Additive reasoning
Multiplicative reasoning
These networks are free to all teaching assistants and schools involved.
Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Maths (Teaching Assistants - Southampton)
- • 01 April 2025
- • 20 places remaining
01 April 2025 - 01 April 202509:30 - 14:30Tanners Brook Primary School, Elmes Drive, Millbrook, Southampton, SO15 4PF£0.00The purpose of this project is to support primary teaching assistants (TAs) in developing specialist knowledge for teaching mathematics, enabling them to understand, teach and support pupils in the maths classroom. These programmes are designed for primary teaching assistants who are supporting maths, and who would like to develop their specialist knowledge for teaching maths. This may be particularly relevant for new TAs or TAs that have not received maths-specific training.
This year the focus will be on the following mathematical areas:
What is effective in the learning and teaching of mathematics?
Number sense (part 1)
Number sense (part 2)
Additive reasoning
Multiplicative reasoning
These networks are free to all teaching assistants and schools involved.
Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Maths (Primary ECTs)
- • 02 April 2025
- • 35 places remaining
02 April 2025 - 02 April 202509:15 - 15:00Tanners Brook Primary School, Elmes Drive, Millbrook, Southampton, SO15 4PF£0.00This project is new to the Maths Hub offer this year and is designed to support Early Career Teachers (teachers in their first two years of teaching) in developing specialist knowledge for teaching mathematics, thus enabling them to understand, teach and support pupils in maths in the classroom.
The aim of this community is to work deeply on one area of maths, drawing in the associated pedagogy, and will include lesson analysis and lesson design.
Participants will:
plan and teach a carefully sequenced and coherent area of maths
appreciate the key ideas underpinning the area of maths being taught
understand key principles and approaches associated with teaching for mastery
understand approaches to assess pupils’ prior learning, so that learning sequences take this into account
make appropriate use of representations to expose the structure of the maths being taught.
observe experienced teachers in Maths, analysing the pedagogy.
These networks are free to all teachers and schools involved. Teachers that participated last year are encouraged to continue into a 2nd year to further deepen their understanding and benefit from the community network.
Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Maths (Core Maths)
Post 16
- • 22 April 2025
- • 25 places remaining
22 April 2025 - 22 April 202513:30 - 16:30Online£0.00Core Maths is a relatively new qualification and uptake is growing, so more Core Maths teaching capacity is needed. This programme seeks to address this need by helping teachers to develop the specialist knowledge to teach Core Maths effectively. The programme forms part of the overall AMSP and Maths Hubs Core Maths professional development offer.
By increasing Core Maths teaching capacity, the programme supports the national aim that it will become the norm for all students to study maths post-16.
Participants will be guided through six separate sessions with the following themes (which are common to all Core Maths specifications): Applying Fermi estimation and modelling; Exploring statistics; Making sense of finance; Using the pre-release materials; Developing critical analysis, and Creating contextualised activities.
Participants will take part in activities for each of these themes and review the pedagogical thinking behind the resources used. They will then identify an activity to use in their own classroom, and share and reflect on their experience with the group.
The programme gives inexperienced Core Maths teachers the opportunity to work collaboratively with their peers, guided by an expert Cohort Lead, to develop the specialist knowledge they need to teach Core Maths effectively.
Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Maths (Primary Teachers - Portsmouth)
- • 24 April 2025
- • 35 places remaining
24 April 2025 - 24 April 202509:30 - 15:00Highbury Primary School, Dovercourt Road, Cosham, Portsmouth, PO6 2RZ£0.00This project is designed to support primary teachers in developing specialist knowledge for teaching mathematics, enabling them to understand, teach and support pupils in maths in the classroom. It will be particularly relevant for teachers that have moved phases or teachers that have not received maths-specific training.
Teachers will enhance their mathematics subject knowledge with an emphasis on the key structures in each mathematical area covered which include:
Understanding the key elements that form number sense, including precise language, structures and representations
Understanding the forms of addition and subtraction, including precise language, structures and representations
Understanding the forms of multiplication and division, including precise language, structures and representations
Understanding the forms of fractions, including precise language, structures and representations.
Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Maths (Primary Teachers - Southampton)
- • 30 April 2025
- • 35 places remaining
30 April 2025 - 30 April 202509:30 - 15:00Tanners Brook Primary School, Elmes Drive, Millbrook, Southampton, SO15 4PF£0.00This project is designed to support primary teachers in developing specialist knowledge for teaching mathematics, enabling them to understand, teach and support pupils in maths in the classroom. It will be particularly relevant for teachers that have moved phases or teachers that have not received maths-specific training.
Teachers will enhance their mathematics subject knowledge with an emphasis on the key structures in each mathematical area covered which include:
Understanding the key elements that form number sense, including precise language, structures and representations
Understanding the forms of addition and subtraction, including precise language, structures and representations
Understanding the forms of multiplication and division, including precise language, structures and representations
Understanding the forms of fractions, including precise language, structures and representations.
Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Maths (Early Years - Portsmouth)
Early Years
- • 01 May 2025
- • 14 places remaining
01 May 2025 - 01 May 202509:00 - 16:00Highbury Primary School, Dovercourt Road, Cosham, Portsmouth, PO6 2RZ£0.00This project is designed to support Early Years teachers in developing specialist knowledge for teaching mathematics, enabling them to understand, teach and support pupils in maths in the classroom. This Work Group will focus on number patterns and structures in early years, exploring the developmental trajectory for learning in counting and cardinality. A key focus will be on improving the participants’ ability to “do” mathematics but also to ensure they have the appropriate pedagogical knowledge to teach their children well.
Pupils will:
- Have increased opportunities to explore concepts at a developmentally appropriate level
- Be able to communicate their maths and mathematical thinking through graphical representations and/or appropriate language
- Demonstrate a positive attitude towards maths, being willing to have a go, persevere, and share their mathematical ideas
These networks are free to all teachers and schools involved.
We have a limit of two participants per school to ensure we can support as many schools as possible. If you would like to sign up more, please email to let us know, and we will see if we are able to accommodate your request.
Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Maths (Secondary ECTs)
- • 01 May 2025
- • 14 places remaining
01 May 2025 - 01 May 202509:30 - 15:30Tanners Brook Primary School, Elmes Drive, Millbrook, Southampton, SO15 4PF£0.00This community aims to offer high quality maths support and challenge for Early Career Teachers. It will provide an opportunity for conversations focussed specifically on mathematics with teachers at a similar stage of their career. The communities will build on the knowledge gained during initial teacher training. Through conversations with several local ITT providers, these sessions will include, amongst other ideas, a focus on multiplicative reasoning.
We will be working alongside the HISP Teaching School Hub to ensure this forms a package of support for ECTs.
All ECTs in the region are eligible to join this group for free.
Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Maths (Teaching Assistants - Portsmouth)
- • 09 May 2025
- • 22 places remaining
09 May 2025 - 09 May 202509:30 - 15:00Milton Park Primary School, Eastney Road, Portsmouth, PO4 8ET£0.00The purpose of this project is to support primary teaching assistants (TAs) in developing specialist knowledge for teaching mathematics, enabling them to understand, teach and support pupils in the maths classroom. These programmes are designed for primary teaching assistants who are supporting maths, and who would like to develop their specialist knowledge for teaching maths. This may be particularly relevant for new TAs or TAs that have not received maths-specific training.
This year the focus will be on the following mathematical areas:
What is effective in the learning and teaching of mathematics?
Number sense (part 1)
Number sense (part 2)
Additive reasoning
Multiplicative reasoning
These networks are free to all teaching assistants and schools involved.
Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Maths (Early Years - Southampton)
Early Years
- • 20 May 2025
- • 11 places remaining
20 May 2025 - 20 May 202509:00 - 16:00Tanners Brook Primary School, Elmes Drive, Millbrook, Southampton, SO15 4PF£0.00This project is designed to support Early Years teachers in developing specialist knowledge for teaching mathematics, enabling them to understand, teach and support pupils in maths in the classroom. This Work Group will focus on number patterns and structures in early years, exploring the developmental trajectory for learning in counting and cardinality. A key focus will be on improving the participants’ ability to “do” mathematics but also to ensure they have the appropriate pedagogical knowledge to teach their children well.
Pupils will:
- Have increased opportunities to explore concepts at a developmentally appropriate level
- Be able to communicate their maths and mathematical thinking through graphical representations and/or appropriate language
- Demonstrate a positive attitude towards maths, being willing to have a go, persevere, and share their mathematical ideas
These networks are free to all teachers and schools involved.
SEND in Mainstream Schools
General Training
- • 20 May 2025
- • 20 places remaining
20 May 2025 - 20 May 202509:30 - 14:30Tanners Brook Primary School, Elmes Drive, Millbrook, Southampton, SO15 4PF£0.00Removing Barriers in Mathematics for Learners with SEND
This Work Group aims to increase awareness of the needs of pupils with SEND, to include those with unidentified needs, through to those with EHCPs. It is packed with lots of practical strategies for supporting engagement and enabling greater success in mathematics.
Participants will have the opportunity to collaborate and share ideas and challenges throughout. Ideas will be trialed back in school with particular learners in mind, leading to an evidence trail of how teaching has impacted on pupil progress.
This Work Group is aimed at primary and secondary teachers, SENCOs and SLT from mainstream schools.
This event is currently unavailable to book.
Isle of Wight - SEND in Mainstream Schools
General Training
- • 20 May 2025
- • 30 places remaining
20 May 2025 - 20 May 202509:30 - 14:30Face to face at an IOW Primary School TBC£0.00Removing Barriers in Mathematics for Learners with SEND
This Work Group aims to increase awareness of the needs of pupils with SEND, to include those with unidentified needs, through to those with EHCPs. It is packed with lots of practical strategies for supporting engagement and enabling greater success in mathematics.
Participants will have the opportunity to collaborate and share ideas and challenges throughout. Ideas will be trialed back in school with particular learners in mind, leading to an evidence trail of how teaching has impacted on pupil progress.
This Work Group is aimed at primary and secondary teachers, SENCOs and SLT from mainstream schools.
Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Maths (Core Maths)
Post 16
- • 22 May 2025
- • 25 places remaining
22 May 2025 - 22 May 202513:30 - 16:30Online£0.00Core Maths is a relatively new qualification and uptake is growing, so more Core Maths teaching capacity is needed. This programme seeks to address this need by helping teachers to develop the specialist knowledge to teach Core Maths effectively. The programme forms part of the overall AMSP and Maths Hubs Core Maths professional development offer.
By increasing Core Maths teaching capacity, the programme supports the national aim that it will become the norm for all students to study maths post-16.
Participants will be guided through six separate sessions with the following themes (which are common to all Core Maths specifications): Applying Fermi estimation and modelling; Exploring statistics; Making sense of finance; Using the pre-release materials; Developing critical analysis, and Creating contextualised activities.
Participants will take part in activities for each of these themes and review the pedagogical thinking behind the resources used. They will then identify an activity to use in their own classroom, and share and reflect on their experience with the group.
The programme gives inexperienced Core Maths teachers the opportunity to work collaboratively with their peers, guided by an expert Cohort Lead, to develop the specialist knowledge they need to teach Core Maths effectively.
Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Maths (Teaching Assistants - Southampton)
- • 03 June 2025
- • 35 places remaining
03 June 2025 - 03 June 202509:30 - 14:30HISP Learning Partnership Hub, Tanners Brook Primary School, Elmes Drive, Millbrook, Southampton, SO15 4PF£0.00The purpose of this project is to support primary teaching assistants (TAs) in developing specialist knowledge for teaching mathematics, enabling them to understand, teach and support pupils in the maths classroom. These programmes are designed for primary teaching assistants who are supporting maths, and who would like to develop their specialist knowledge for teaching maths. This may be particularly relevant for new TAs or TAs that have not received maths-specific training.
This year the focus will be on the following mathematical areas:
What is effective in the learning and teaching of mathematics?
Number sense (part 1)
Number sense (part 2)
Additive reasoning
Multiplicative reasoning
These networks are free to all teaching assistants and schools involved.
Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Maths (Primary Teachers - Portsmouth)
- • 04 June 2025
- • 25 places remaining
04 June 2025 - 04 June 202513:00 - 16:00The Training and Learning Centre, The Portsmouth Academy, St Mary's Road, Portsmouth, PO1 5PF£0.00This project is designed to support primary teachers in developing specialist knowledge for teaching mathematics, enabling them to understand, teach and support pupils in maths in the classroom. It will be particularly relevant for teachers that have moved phases or teachers that have not received maths-specific training.
Teachers will enhance their mathematics subject knowledge with an emphasis on the key structures in each mathematical area covered which include:
Understanding the key elements that form number sense, including precise language, structures and representations
Understanding the forms of addition and subtraction, including precise language, structures and representations
Understanding the forms of multiplication and division, including precise language, structures and representations
Understanding the forms of fractions, including precise language, structures and representations.
Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Maths (Primary ECTs)
- • 10 June 2025
- • 8 places remaining
10 June 2025 - 10 June 202509:15 - 15:00Tanners Brook Primary School, Elmes Drive, Millbrook, Southampton, SO15 4PF£0.00This project is new to the Maths Hub offer this year and is designed to support Early Career Teachers (teachers in their first two years of teaching) in developing specialist knowledge for teaching mathematics, thus enabling them to understand, teach and support pupils in maths in the classroom.
The aim of this community is to work deeply on one area of maths, drawing in the associated pedagogy, and will include lesson analysis and lesson design.
Participants will:
plan and teach a carefully sequenced and coherent area of maths
appreciate the key ideas underpinning the area of maths being taught
understand key principles and approaches associated with teaching for mastery
understand approaches to assess pupils’ prior learning, so that learning sequences take this into account
make appropriate use of representations to expose the structure of the maths being taught.
observe experienced teachers in Maths, analysing the pedagogy.
These networks are free to all teachers and schools involved. Teachers that participated last year are encouraged to continue into a 2nd year to further deepen their understanding and benefit from the community network.
Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Maths (Primary Teachers - Southampton)
- • 11 June 2025
- • 23 places remaining
11 June 2025 - 11 June 202513:00 - 16:00Tanners Brook Primary School, Elmes Drive, Millbrook, Southampton, SO15 4PF£0.00This project is designed to support primary teachers in developing specialist knowledge for teaching mathematics, enabling them to understand, teach and support pupils in maths in the classroom. It will be particularly relevant for teachers that have moved phases or teachers that have not received maths-specific training.
Teachers will enhance their mathematics subject knowledge with an emphasis on the key structures in each mathematical area covered which include:
Understanding the key elements that form number sense, including precise language, structures and representations
Understanding the forms of addition and subtraction, including precise language, structures and representations
Understanding the forms of multiplication and division, including precise language, structures and representations
Understanding the forms of fractions, including precise language, structures and representations.
Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Maths (Core Maths)
Post 16
- • 23 June 2025
- • 25 places remaining
23 June 2025 - 23 June 202513:30 - 16:30Online£0.00Core Maths is a relatively new qualification and uptake is growing, so more Core Maths teaching capacity is needed. This programme seeks to address this need by helping teachers to develop the specialist knowledge to teach Core Maths effectively. The programme forms part of the overall AMSP and Maths Hubs Core Maths professional development offer.
By increasing Core Maths teaching capacity, the programme supports the national aim that it will become the norm for all students to study maths post-16.
Participants will be guided through six separate sessions with the following themes (which are common to all Core Maths specifications): Applying Fermi estimation and modelling; Exploring statistics; Making sense of finance; Using the pre-release materials; Developing critical analysis, and Creating contextualised activities.
Participants will take part in activities for each of these themes and review the pedagogical thinking behind the resources used. They will then identify an activity to use in their own classroom, and share and reflect on their experience with the group.
The programme gives inexperienced Core Maths teachers the opportunity to work collaboratively with their peers, guided by an expert Cohort Lead, to develop the specialist knowledge they need to teach Core Maths effectively.
A Level Pedagogy
Post 16
- • 24 June 2025
- • 18 places remaining
24 June 2025 - 24 June 202510:00 - 15:30Online£0.00This network aims to bring together A-Level teachers from across our region to discuss all aspects of A-Level mathematics! This includes effective teaching approaches, current assessment requirements and the use technology. However, the group will also respond to the needs and feedback of the network to become a bespoke local network of A-Level colleague.
These networks are free to all teachers and schools involved.